The difficulty of being a man

In a world that often expects men to be stoic and unemotional, we invite you to join us on a transformative journey of self-discovery and emotional exploration. We will gather 13th of October in Gothenburg for a full day together! This workshop will be in english and is open for men of all ages and backgrounds

Understanding Shame and Rage in Men’s Lives

At the core of our program lies a focused exploration of two powerful emotions: shame and rage. These feelings often intertwine in complex ways, significantly impacting men’s mental, emotional, and physical health.

The Weight of Shame

Shame is a deep-seated belief that we are fundamentally flawed or unworthy. For many men, shame stems from:

  • Perceived failures to meet societal expectations of masculinity
  • Childhood experiences of criticism or neglect
  • Struggles with vulnerability and emotional expression

The Fire of Rage

Rage, often fueled by underlying shame, is an intense emotion that many men struggle to understand and manage. It can arise from:

  • Feelings of powerlessness or inadequacy
  • Unmet needs or expectations
  • Traumatic experiences or prolonged stress

Zensei Method

At Zensei, Hariprasad Varma uses an integration of theatre-based exercises, principles from
Applied Behavioural Sciences, and Yogic reflective practices to facilitate a safe, non-
judgmental and deeply reflective space for men to:

  • Explore the roots of shame and rage in their lives
  • Express emotions in creative, constructive ways
  • Learn from shared experiences with other men
  • Develop practices for ongoing emotional awareness and expression

Join us to break free from restrictive emotional norms and embrace the full spectrum of
your humanity. Together, we’ll forge a path towards healthier, more authentic manhood.

For more in depth bakground check out the pdf linked below

About the Facilitator

Hariprasad Varma is an internationally certified leadership coach, facilitator, and yoga therapist. He is the founder of Zensei Leadership Pvt. Ltd. & Yogaśāla. His passion lies in created self-exploratory and healing journeys for individuals and groups through an integration of reflective arts, interactive theatre, and yogic practices.

Hari was born and grew up in the Southern tip of India in the State of Kerala, popularly known as the God’s Own Country for its beauty. Currently, he is based in the city of Hyderabad in India. He has worked with clients in over 25 countries over the past eight years in coaching, leadership development and yoga therapy spaces.

Below is a podcast about the topic, with the hosts of the workshop

Registration and practical things

The workshop will take place in central Gothenburg 2024-10-13
It will start at 09.30 and end at 16.30

Participation will cost 995 sek
The fee will include two fikas and lunch, the food will be vegetarian as a standard.

If you have any questions or reflections please contact us
Local host Asgeir Persson
Workshop facilitator Hariprasad Varma